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«Le radicalisme religieux au Moyen Orient : Le Droit à la connaissance et la liberté de croyance»

Genève 5-6 Septembre 2015 Organisée par le SIHR, la conférence ayant pour thème «Le radicalisme religieux au Moyen Orient : Le…

Par : René Naba - dans : Agenda - le 24 août 2015

Genève 5-6 Septembre 2015

Organisée par le SIHR, la conférence ayant pour thème «Le radicalisme religieux au Moyen Orient : Le Droit à la connaissance et la liberté de croyance» se tiendra à Genève 5-6 Septembre 2015

Whatever the geo political and socio political origins, the sectarianism of conflicts in the Middle East has as evidence consequences

  • In freedom of believe and Right of difference.
  • The idea of Role of Law and citizenship
  • In the concentration of balance of power in great socio sectarian block and the marginalization of little socio cultural groups

If it is difficult to admit the concept of minority by groups and people becomes “minorities” after the Arab Islamic arrival to Mesopotamia Great Syria (Assyrians, Christians and Yezidis) or the decomposition of the Borders and States after the Ottoman era and colonization (Kurds). The undeclared War between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia indirectly engaged in the Iran-Iraq war but very clearly appeared after the occupation of Iraq, opened the door to the historical based ideologies to be the cover of geo political conflicts in the region.

Since 2003, the building of the new State security and military institutions marginalized the old regime figures in the name of eradication of Baas Party. The pro Iranian Islamic political movement becomes the principal component of the new Army. For the Golf countries a new danger appears with the Iranian influence in Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria. The answer for these political entities a religious coloration (Especially in the Wahhabi sphere: Saudi Arabia and Qatar) consisted in using the same ideological arms: Mobilizing Sunnis against Shiites in a sectarian confrontation.

The moderated and anti sectarian Sunnis were against such strategy which give the extremists pride of place. It’s only with militarization of the Syrian Revolt of 2011 that this sectarian confrontation found its social basic in a radicalization in discourse, speech and programs. Al Qaida, and other Salafists Jihadists groups (Islamic Front…) become the first good organized armed groups in field and pro western alliance’s lost the war against both the Syrian regime and military jihadist groups. In Iraq the military option to finish with the Sunnis opposition gave the advantage to a new coalition of ex officials of the old regime with the most radical of jihadists with the name of Da’ech (ISIS). The occupation of Mosul opened the eyes about what happen but with a real tragedy for the minorities which become the first victims of this savagery.

A sectarian conflict is irrational, emotional and barbarian par excellence. Great block try to absorb or eliminate little one. With an ideological cover and religious interpretation all become possible.

How to stop this medieval, abolitionist, and fusty Project? Are the defenders of new modern Civil State and society able to confront this satanic project? What’s the role of Regional, International forces? What is the role of Media and sectarian propaganda? What about corruption and authoritarian regime? Where is the real place of marginalized youth in the region in these conflicts? Can a military confrontation without political reform give a positive answer ?

SIHR will invite to this conference :

  • Bishop Armash Nalbandian from the Armenian Orthodox Church
  • Eva Filipi, Ambassador of Czech
  • Petros petrossian, The Armenian Community in Europe
  • Nazih al Naggari, Egyptian Foreign Affairs
  • George Tarabishi, Syrian writer
  • Hussein Aloudat, Syrian writer author of the Christians Arabs
  • Dr Issa Hanna, Pr of Assyrian and old culture in Mashreq
  • Michel Nseir, World Council of Churches
  • Antoin Laham, Specialist of the region in the UN
  • Faik Balut, writer, Turkey
  • Mohammad Shahrour, Islamic Reformist
  • Saad Saloum, Iraqi searcher in minorities
  • Sundus Omar Ali Albayraqdar, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iraq
  • Abgar Maloul, Assyrian Democrat, USA
  • René Naba, Director of Madanyia.
  • 9 students of SIHR from the region and Europe

René Naba, directeur éditorial de interviendra au Colloque de l’Institut Scandinave des Droits de l’Homme sur le thème :

  • L’Occident face à l’extrémisme religieux: Conte d’une folie ordinaire

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